Sunday, 12 October 2014

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Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun Review By Sai Prashanth R‎


Episodes: 12 (Completed)

Plot Summary: Sakura Chiyo confesses her feelings to her schoolmate Nozaki. Due to a misunderstanding, Nozaki thinks Sakura is just a fan. She then discovers Nozaki's other identity; a shōjo manga artist. As she gets closer to Nozaki, she befriends Nozaki's quirky acquaintances who assist him and serve as inspirations for his manga. (ANN)

The summary is pretty much the happenings of the first episode. If you get reeled in by seeing the word ‘romance’, then you probably would be the first person to drop this anime as the romance aspect of this anime is pretty much scanty and one-sided in all possible ways. Fret not, as this anime still provides one of the best comedies that will entertain you to the very last episode. When I saw the anime’s name, the very worldly presence of the word ‘Shoujo’ didn’t fit well with me and hence didn’t bother to watch the first episode. Then, as usual, I was proven wrong once the news floated around in the internet that the first episode was promising and hence with no real expectations, saw the pilot episode and the interest levels were growing at an alarming rate. Note that this anime progresses in an episodic manner except when the all important ‘new character’ introduction takes place.

The entire plot is filled with alarming but comical misunderstandings and the way the characters jump to conclusions by playing it in their mind were hilarity personified. Although the presence of romance is very less, there are still some romantic scenes that take place only to be followed methodically by obliviousness and screw-ups. This show also depicts how a shoujo manga can possibly become either a hit or a dud. A worthy thing to consider is the interactions between the editor-in-chief and the authors. The main character Nozaki Umetaro researches quite a bit for his manga and his research; which consists of the interactions between the 7 characters that helm this show, makes up the 12 good episodes.

The art and the animation had the usage of vibrant colors and vivid backgrounds. One nice point to be taken note of is that, the manga which Nozaki draws. The 2 main characters of the manga, Mamiko and Suzuki-kun have their own voices and it was a different experience. The artwork of the manga was of a typical shoujo manga and the details regarding shoujo manga were neatly analyzed even though they did not delve deeper into the topics related. The OST was good and the timing of the music was good with the music accentuating the situation persisting over in the anime. One piano sonata caught my attention and the OP and ED are normal but catchy, especially the ending.

CHARACTERS: This is where the entire anime excels the most and where this anime became a runaway hit among the audiences. Each and every character portrayed in this anime is unique and have its own quirks that are very much necessary for the progression of each episode.
Nozaki is the protagonist. He is diligent, intelligent but highly oblivious. He is unable to detect the easiest of advances by the only normal and level-headed character, the female protagonist, Sakura Chiyo. Sometimes, it might seems hilarious but at other times the ‘I’mma gonna fucking punch the screen’ feeling arises. Next, Mikoshiba (Mikorin) who thinks he is a playboy (actually, he is, in a way). Wakamatsu, a first year, he is like Kise Ryouta without basketball and handsomeness. They both have the same voice-actors too. Hori is a third year student who is bullied by his underclassman prince(ss) Kashima without her knowledge that she is bullying him. One of the wonderful traps provided to us in recent times is Kashima. Then, finally another oblivious freak who speaks her mind without knowing that she lacks the utmost delicacy, Yuzuki Seo.
All these whacky characters come together in various episodes and the unbelievable incidents that these characters get entangled into duly forms the entire body of the anime. When any one of these characters is missing, this anime would not have thrived like it did. Unlike many anime where the focal point is either the extravagant plotline, animation or the music composition, Nozaki-kun’s engine is the characters. Without the characters’ interaction, this anime would not have become what it is now. The comebacks (tsukkomis) and retorts provided by the characters are magical and seem to be realistic but at the same time it felt as if with each passing episode, the retorts became somewhat predictable, at the least to me. Maybe they should or should not have toned down on the retorts. Note that, the extravagance of the voice-crew for this anime is unmatched by any other Summer ’14 anime excluding Nobunaga Concerto; another vital reason why the characters’ speeches and interactions looked lively.

To sum it up, a hilarious anime that employs misunderstandings to narrate a great story regarding on how to and not to craft a shoujo manga is the gist of this show. Animation, music and plot all seemed normal and maybe this is where the anime comes good owing to its normality although there were some instances (only scanty) that seemed not believable. Animation could have been improved, so could have been the music but even still, it was good. DAT ending to the final episode might not have been the perfect one, but the aptness of it was impressive.

My rating: 8/10

~A review by Sai Prashanth R‎


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