|Genre| - Adventure,Supernatural,Detective,Drama,Fantasy
|Episodes| - 26
I'm going to breakdown the review now!
[*] STORY:-
Mushi-shi is the only anime that I've come across which is unique than any other I've watched.The narration was totally awesome and the whole concept of "Mushi" was provoking.Mushi is a phenomenon/entity which is neither animal nor plant.Some of these "Mushi" are quite dangerous and Mushi-shi are people who research on mushi.The protagonist of Mushi-shi was treating the people from mushi rather than researching on them.This section isn't exactly Story,it is a Concept actually.As for the story,this series an episodic anime and each and every story of a "mushi" holds a great lesson.
[*] Music:-
I don't expect the original score of any anime to be fantastic.The Opening of this series,The Sore Feet Song,is totally awesome.The background music synced really with the appropriate scenario and I totally loved it.
[*] Visuals:-
The art of an anime which makes me watch it without losing interest whatsoever and Mushi-shi did a pretty well job(actually ArtLand).The scenery and landscape were gorgeous and beautiful and made me stick with it.But I was totally disappointed with the character designs,each and every character than Ginko encounters in each and every problem he runs to are same,except that the kimino are different.Of course,there are some exceptions but most of the characters were identical!
[*] Character:-
I'm not going to discuss about the character design here.Ginko is the one of the highlight-kinda thing in this anime.He loves what he does and treats mushi equally.Every character in the anime are present only in one episode.There is an exception here I guess,the doctor who likes to collect antiques.My favorite character is (lel) Ginko! and and the twins that appear in one episode.
[*] Enjoyment:-
Truth to be told,I dropped it once after second episode and again after seventh episode.This is purely because I've been watching anime of totally different genre and later I forced myself to watch it and it was really boring and later it was interesting when Ginko's past was shown,I wanted to see more of Ginko's past but they restricted it to one episode again. I didn't enjoy this series as much as I enjoyed the other series because this was my first episodic anime but to my surprise they did a pretty good job.
Mushi-shi is also one of the most underrated anime and everyone watch it asap.
[*]The Final verdict:-
A must watch!
- A Review by Grail Nikephoros
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