Monday, 20 October 2014

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Love Live! School Idol Project Review By Roopayan Ghosh‎


Genre:- Music/School

No. of Episodes:- 13+13+4 OVA s
Rating :- 

I was looking for music anime when I stumbled across this one, first impressions were this is
going to be another pretty rhythm, however the more I got into the show, the more I started enjoying it. This is in no way comparable to pretty rhythm, its much better.
The animation is good by the standards set by present anime, the costume designing of characters were done very meticulously, those really caught my attention. The movements however were not perfectly fluid. I know its is very difficult to animate dances with fluid animation, but still that flaw catches the eye.The music being the central theme of the anime did not dissapoint. Of course one cannot expect brilliant music and lyrics from a school idol project anime, I have kept that in mind while rating this one. Its pretty good in that context. The main difference from pretty rhythm lies in the story and characters. Of course it is cliched, but still there is a vestige of story in this one unlike pretty rhythm which focuses only on competitions and some superpower dancing. The characters are cute and adorable, they have been developed in a decent fashion. You at least get to know how their minds work. And it was a pretty enjoyable ride. I marathon-ed the two seasons in two days.

Verdict:- Watching this anime depends on individual taste. If people love watching cute girls in skirts singing and dancing with at least some storyline which need not be that brilliant you can watch this. It is a par anime according to me. Keep your expectations low and you may be in for a surprise and even enjoy it.


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