Sunday, 14 September 2014

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Franken Fran Review by Calvin D'Souza

Manga : Franken Fran
Author : Katsuhisa Kigitsu

After dealing with the war between the 2 goddesses of Nisekoi i.e Onodera and Chitoge,I was tired of the whole thing and decided to go read a manga that I heard of,which firs my liking for gore and insanity and philosophy of life,which was Franken Fran.If this introduction wasn't good,I'll get to the point.

The manga deals with the adventures and misadventures of Madaraki Fran,a half-dead girl,who is a doctor that can turn mere mascots into living breathing mascots,human beings into animals and also do surgeries without any concern,whatsoever and the end result might be a dream or a nightmare for the treated patients.

One thing that makes this manga unique is the gore factor and the cases that Fran has to deal with.The gore factor is huge in the first 7 chapters,but then it decreases so as to increase philosophical insanity and character development,although there are some chapters,where the gore increases.This really increases the shock factor and makes you want to read it or be creeped out by the gore itself.The individual chapters have good philosophical meanings,from something like beauty and justice,to the matters of life and death and how precious human life is,and they are done in the weirdest and most insane way possible.I like the biological knowledge and terms added to give as to how these operations are all done,even though they wont work in real life (or will they ?).Pacing is episodic,but even some of the chapters made me laugh and some gave me the feels.Also,it contains nudity but not too much,so be careful.

Madaraki Fran is someone that can make Dr.Heiter and Moreau look like shit.What makes her interesting is her personality,sense of morality and judgement.Her views on human life,biology makes you think whether she's doing the right thing or she's just wrong and insane and her views on justice are really great,for me i.e. She and her sisters are wonderful and inspirational characters imo.Some of the patients and characters are good or are just ok.There are also recurring characters in some chapters.The art is fantastic in terms of gore as well as characters (There was one character that looked like Haruhi and one that looked like Tenma).It makes you feel the gruesome mentality and horror and comedy of the suffering patients,though there were few instances of lack of blood around some body parts.

TL;DR : It has a philosophical meaning to it,that makes you think and like as well as the fascinating mentality and horror that surrounds it.It's a must read and it has comedy.

Rating : 8/10

Recommendations :

Fourteen - Umezu Kazuo
Every manga done by Junji Ito.
Inugami - Masaya Hokazono
Gantz - Hiroya Oku
Dragon Head,The Drifting Classroom - Minetaro Mochizuki

- A Review by Calvin D'Souza


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