Sunday, 14 September 2014

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Feng Shen Ji Review by Kartikeya Shrivastava

I know that you guys are mostly into manga and you would pick manga over manhwa (Korean) any other day and not even care to know what manhua (Chinese) is but I guess this is one manhua which you need to check it out.

Plot -
The Great Shang dynasty has been in power for many years, but the Gods find fault with the new emperor. Instead of submitting to their will at the expense of his people, the Emperor resolves to throw off the God's yoke and free humanity. However, not only the Gods but a rival, the young Zhou who doesn't submits to the Gods' will for his own purpose will face him!

The fate of the dynasty, nay, the fate of all humanity will be determined by this great battle between the forces of Heaven and Earth!

- A Review by Kartikeya Shrivastava


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